While essential for your oral health, the prospect of dental work can be nerve-wracking. Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, offers a simple way to help you feel more relaxed and comfortable in the dentist’s chair. Despite the misconceptions, when administered properly, this therapy provides anxiety relief without compromising your safety.
These FAQs will go over everything you need to know about nitrous oxide straight from our dentistry team here at the dental office of Kenneth R. Russell DDS.
- Why is It Called Laughing Gas? The “laughing gas” nickname stems from the euphoric sensation that nitrous oxide can sometimes induce, making some people feel a bit giggly. However, this isn’t always the case, and the experience varies from person to person.
- How Do You Administer It? The gas is administered through a comfortable nosepiece or mask connected to a small machine. We mix it with pure oxygen at the optimal level for you to ensure there are no significant side effects.
- How Long Does It Take to Wear Off? The effects wear off within a few minutes after we turn off the gas, and you’ll be back to breathing normally in no time. There are no lasting groggy side effects that impair your functioning.
- Is It Safe for Kids? Nitrous oxide is safe for both adults and children over the age of 3, making it an excellent option for individuals of all ages who experience dental anxiety. We prefer it to other forms of sedation for kids due to its superior safety profile.
- Can I Eat Before? You can eat a light meal 2-3 hours before your appointment to help prevent any nausea. Just let us know if you’re experiencing any stomach sensitivity/nausea before or after we administer it.
We hope these nitrous oxide FAQs help you feel informed and comfortable about your options. If you have any other questions, feel free to consult us today.