When you need fillings, you can turn to our team to get the attentive, expert care you deserve.
Even if you are meticulous in your dental hygiene habits, there’s still a chance that you could one day develop a cavity. Cavities are depressions in your tooth enamel caused by plaque and decay, and they need to be treated with the prompt application of dental fillings. Here at the office of Kenneth R. Russell DDS, we understand that many people find getting fillings a stressful prospect, but we are here to assure you that our team will take every step to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.
When a cavity develops, the only way to ensure that the decay does not spread further is to remove the decayed enamel and put in a filling to close the gap. While in the past all dental fillings were done with silver amalgam, today we offer a number of other materials, including composites that will blend in with the surrounding tooth, as well as cementable resins and porcelains. Our team can discuss each option with you to help you make the best selection for your needs. When you come in for your filling appointment, you can expect attentive, personalized care, and we also offer nitrous oxide as a way to further reduce any anxiety you may experience.
Our team here at the office of Kenneth R. Russell DDS is proud to serve the Winston-Salem, North Carolina community, and we want to help you take the best possible care of your teeth. When you need dental fillings, simply reach out to us to get the attentive care you deserve.
At the office of Kenneth R. Russell DDS, we perform cavity fillings for patients from Winston-Salem, Kernersville, Greensboro, Clemmons, Lewisville, Lexington, and High Point, North Carolina.